
The Satyr & The Nymph

The Satyr [SAY-ter]

In Greek mythology, the satyr are often associated with "sex drive" and vase-painters often portrayed
them with uncontrollable erections. Satyrs constantly pursued Nymphs.

Satyrs represent The Male Species.

The Nymph

In Greek mythology, a nymph is any member of a large class of mythological entities in human female form. Nymphs were also the frequent target of Satyrs.

represent The Female Species.

And that's that. As males, we pursue females... And females loved being pursued by males. It's our Nature... Our Destiny, the way we were "Programed." Even if you are in a stable & secure relationship, chances are you're being chased by the opposite sex, or you have "wandering eyes." It's a big game because subconsciously it pertains to us, and we're all players, whether you feel obligated or not.

1 comment:

HetheR said...

Holy Hell... that explains so much... but according to chris he don't have wandering eyes... huh it's all so baffeling... hahahah so what do you suggest one does in such a situation?

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