
Do We Remember "Good" Relationships?


always remember the Bad... The ones that Hurt, Maim, or Destroy. The ones that leave you with Emotional Scars and Damage... Ones that we can never truly forget. Even if we do move on to bigger and brighter relationships, the Pain still lingers... It still Haunts us, reminding us every single day about the Trauma and Abuse we once went through.

We try to be Optimistic and find Comfort about these matters in the arms of those we Love, but does it really matter? Do they really Understand? Could they Ever? Maybe. They possibly endured the same Torment as You.
Comparing notes with those who share the same War Stories as you has always been a great way to learn from your mistakes.

Educate Yourself. Don't give in to Suffering, don't allow a Bad Memory to win the Emotional Battle.

Flood it with Good, Instead.

1 comment:

HetheR said...

I love the way you explain things... it's all true, I have let you in to my stories... my past... and i think we can agree.. that letting it linger and sit even still talking about it... is letting the bastard win... giving him what he wanted... i'm glad i can go to an insightful person like you for advice


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